As you may have figured out, the audience for this book is business owners, entrepreneurs, start-up specialists, or anyone trying to find out more about business. I wanted to cast a wide net in my audience but make the content applicable to any business owners’ needs. I didn’t want to write “just another business book” based on experience working with multi-billion-dollar companies that have insane budgets. I wanted to write a book for entrepreneurs looking to maybe hire their first employee, or business owners trying to figure out how to stand out from their competition on a budget.
The audience for this book are the entrepreneurs who have found that the journey they are on is lonely. It can be an isolated experience, building a business. If you’re having money problems, it can be really challenging to find trusted advisors. If you’re frustrated with your marketing, you might not have anyone to talk to. If you wish your employees were more engaged and empowered, you can’t complain to them about it! That’s why I wrote this book for you. That’s why there’s a forum, too.